We will walk you through adding the necessary services to your cart. Clicking on each of the below steps will open the associated service in a new window. Make your selection, return to this page, and proceed to the next step.
When you’re done, click on the cart above to check out. No payment is due until you’ve met with your accountant and received your agreed-upon first invoice.

Step 1: Set-Up: Bookkeeping (Required, One-Time Fee)
Whether you are using an existing system or starting from scratch, there will be some review and work on our end to ensure you’re up to speed. QuickBooks Online is our go-to bookkeeping and accounting solution. Choose the “Migration to QBO” option if you use a different accounting software.

Step 2: Basic Bookkeeping (Required, Monthly Fee)
Basic Bookkeeping is the meat and potatoes of our service offerings. It includes posting your transactions, account reconciliations, and reporting.
The service comes at three levels based on how many secondary services you choose.
Secondary services:
- Payroll
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Sales Tax Reporting
If you do not need any of the above, choose the Basic Option. If you need up to two secondary services, choose Essentials. Otherwise, choose Advanced.
If it is easier, go through the other steps and then return to Step 2 to make your final choice.

Step 3: Clean-Up (You probably need this, One-Time Fee)
Most new clients require the Clean-Up service unless:
- Your company is brand new and does not have any historical transactions
- You have an existing accounting system, and your books are up to date through the prior month.
[Note: This is one of the secondary services that requires us to review your specific needs to provide pricing.]

Step 4: CFO Service (Monthly Fee)
Our CFO service used to be included as part of our monthly bookkeeping fee. We recognize, however, that only some businesses require a more intimate level of interaction with us on a month-to-month basis. Please review the included service offerings to determine whether or not this is a service that your business would find valuable.

Step 5: A/R Invoicing and collections (Monthly Fee)
If your business operates on a cash basis, where customers pay upfront for products or services, you do NOT need this service.
Accounts Receivable (A/R) represents money owed to your business by its customers for goods or services delivered but not yet paid for. This service includes numerous steps in the A/R process, including assessing customer creditworthiness, sending invoices to customers, resolving invoice issues, collecting collections, and posting cash.
[Note: This is one of the secondary services that requires us to review your specific needs to provide pricing.]

Step 6: Accounts Payable w/1099 Processing (Monthly Fee)
If your business purchases on a cash basis, paying upfront for products or services (via cash or company credit card), you do not need this service.
Accounts Payable (A/P) is the flip side of Accounts Receivable. This service includes numerous steps in the A/P process, including completing credit applications and managing the purchase-to-pay process (procurement, bill entry, and cash flow management for bill payment). It also includes issuing 1099's in January.
[Note: This is one of the secondary services that requires us to review your specific needs to provide pricing.]

Step 7: Sales Tax Processing (Monthly Fee)
Whether a business is required to collect and remit sales tax can be tricky for most business owners. Many years ago, the rule of thumb was that product sales required tax collection, and services did not. Those days are over. Every state has its own sales tax nexus rules (Nexus is a legal term that refers to a link between your business and a state that triggers a tax obligation.)
If you already know that you have a sales tax collection obligation, select this service. Otherwise, as part of our initial conversation, we will work with you to determine if you require this service.
[Note: This is one of the secondary services that requires us to review your specific needs to provide pricing.]
The need for payroll services is not always cut and dry. We have found that some new clients were making payments to contractors that should, by IRS rules, be considered employees.
If you are unsure, we will review your needs and help you navigate the contractor vs employee checklist.

Step 8: Set-Up: Payroll (One-Time Fee)
If you are using an existing payroll system (that you wish to continue with), the Set-up: Payroll service might not be necessary. We ask that everyone that needs payroll add it to their cart, and we’ll make a final determination during the initial call.

Step 9: Payroll (Monthly Fee)
For most new customers, this selection will be pretty straightforward. Choose how often you run payroll and the number of employees.
If, however, you have a mixture of frequencies (i.e. some employees are paid weekly and others are paid monthly), please add each mixture to your cart.
The displayed pricing will NOT be accurate if you have a mixture of pay-run frequencies. We generally combine the frequencies when coming up with the final cost. If, for example, you have 5 employees who are paid weekly ($450) and 4 employees who are paid bi-weekly ($225), you will not have to pay $675/month for services. In this example, your actual cost would be $450/month. Your weekly pay runs alternate between having 5 and 9 employees, which would still put you in the Weekly 1-10 employee ($450) range.